Tash Inspires
Tash Inspires

Tash Turner (@iamtashturner)
Tash Turner (@iamtashturner)
Tash Turner is the creator of the “She’s all of them" Megaverse, which is comprised of video series designed to provide a little laughter, joy, and at times a bit of inspiration.
"Bonita and the Twins"
"Bonita and the Twins"
Bonita and the Twins is the first series in the "She's all of them" Megaverse. The series centers around an 8yr old girl named Bonita Jenkins who is being mentored by her 2 twin cousins affectionately known as the "Taylor Twins". Hang on to your hats as you discover life's mysteries and lessons big and small thorough the eyes of an 8 year old.

Bonita Jenkins
Bonita Jenkins
Bonita Jenkins is a character from the “She’s all of them Megaverse”. She is part of the series, “Bonita and the Twins”. Bonita is 8-year-old, clever, quick-witted, and smart as a whip. At times she can appear a bit sassy, but due to her southern roots, she always knows when she's reached the line.

Tash Taylor
Tash Taylor
Tash Taylor is a character from the “She’s all of them Megaverse”. She is part of the series, “Bonita and the Twins”. Tash is a professional coach and has a twin sister named Turner. Her and her sister mentor their
cousin 8 year old Bonita Jenkins.

Turner Taylor
Turner Taylor
Turner Taylor is a character from the “She’s all of them Megaverse”. She is part of the series, “Bonita and the Twins”. Turner is an entrepreneur and has a twin sister named Tash. Her and her sister mentor their cousin 8 year old Bonita Jenkins.